Sunday 26 September 2010


Corset, just the word and it seems there's magic in the air!!! :)

I didn't know about corset world 'till i was 18 and i had my very first real corset at 23. :) I wonder how i can pass beside such a wonderful thing for such a long time!

I'd always seen corsets in films and drawings represent old century's scenes, where there were beautiful courtesans in beautiful corsets. It seemed to me that the corset belongs to an ancien world, another world that i could never reach.

But thanks to some of my friends, i discovered that i can find it and i can perfectly wear it!!! Yes, in our XXIth century!!!

Since this day, i always find that corset is a wonderful wear, very female, sexy and sensual! And I'm always proud of me, i always feel good, feel sexy and sensual whenever i wear a corset. I am plenty in my element! I love to feel the pressure of the corset around my body, around my hip and I've got pleasure to feel it tightens me each time! Maybe it's a kind of fetishist, maybe it's just a kind of passionated love. :)

Nowaday, a lot of women think that the corset enslaved women and a woman who wears a corset accepts or shows her subjected woman statut because women'd fought during a long period to abolish the corset, to claim their rights!

I'm proud to be an independant woman but I am not agree with this opinion! Nowaday, women who love to wear corset are those who assume their feminity and those who know what they want. They just love a female and beautiful object that helps them to sublimate their form and their beauty.

It may be unpleasant to wear a corset for the fisrt time, but if you really love this kind of object, you'll soon become addicted to it and when you're used to it, wearing a corset is pleasant. :)

I am a corset lover, i love wearing my corsets and i love to see other women in corset. They're just so beautiful!

The corset, an object of desire, an object of sensuality, an object of feminity, an object of dream! :)

Sensuality's link: where i find my beautiful corsets.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

A King Is Dead

Well well well, it takes me a long moment and i had a lot of dificulty to decide to write this post. But i think i must do it, just because he's a great artist, a man with a big heart and an icon of Metal scene. You get it, i wanna talk about Ronnie James DIO.

I won't give you his complete biography here because it's useless, people can find it so easily on the net. I won't give you a tribute text with all his concerts or his interviews just because i don't have enough experience to do this. I just want to share with you all my thoughts and all my feelings for this man.

Franckly, i'm not the one who cry at an artist's death, but the day when i heard rumours about his death, i was not at my ease. And in the night, when his wife confirmed this rumours via his official website, i felt my soul empty and i felt tear came into my eyes.

Maybe it's stupid but i think his death is a huge lost for metal and music world. I came to Metal when i was 15, beginning with old bands like Led Zeppelin, Scorpion, Black Sabbath, Rainbow, etc. And through the few years of experience in metal world, i've never found anyone who can rival with him. He is the one and the unic. He'd created plenty of thing, brought happyness to plenty of lonely souls, inspired a lot of young artist, and was a bright exemple for musical generations.

Beside, he was a kind man. I'll never forget the day when i saw him for the only one time and the very last time of my life on stage, with Heaven&Hell. Yes i know that i'm lucky compared to others who'll never have occasion to see him. It was in 2009, at WOA, a fantastic concert. There was no big show, just the scene, the musicians and it was sufficient. I can see his energy, his passion and his charisma covered us. A great moment. He seemed to be in good health...

It's seem to me that it was just yesterday... I surely just a young person in the metal world and don't know a lot about the scene, but i think i'd listenned to a lot of band, enough to know that Dio was a hero of all metalheads, and he has an influence on myself.

Just some lines for me and you to think about this great man, about his works and his life. I was sad when he gone, i think i cried when he gone and now, as i write these lines, i can still feel a pinching in my heart. Brother metalheads, we had a hard year!

Stay heavy, for Dio!

Monday 12 July 2010

Lily of the valley - Honoré de Balzac

Here i am again, on my blog, and to write about one of my favourite classical novel: "Lily of the valley" of Balzac.

Balzac is one of my favourtite writer, brought to me by my father when i was too young to read this kind of novel (according to elders), but he was right to tell me about Balzac because his works have such a huge influence in my life now, in all my creations, all my thoughs. I love the way he describes people, their innocence, their joy, and their pain, each detail is important. I love the way he talks about LIFE, with all its cruelty, its pretence, its complications, and certainly, its sweet moments...

"Lily of the valley" is one of his novel which is hardly criticized, sometimes the critics are unfair. For me, this novel is the most sensual, the purest one among the others, it's about the love story between the young aristocrate
Félix de Vandenesse and the countess Madame de Mortsauf.

Its a platonic but intense love, two personne desire each other but the woman is too virtuous to betray her tyranic husband, and the man doesn't dare to go further in the relationship because of his respect toward the countess, and their love last until the death of the countess, due to a heart disease.

It's a beautiful love story. You may think this kind of love story existes only in novel but who can be sure that in real life, there are not two persons like this, somewhere in this huge world? :) Throughout the novel, Balzac describes how the two caracters met, how their relationship envolved and how things passed with the count (husband of Madame de Mortsauf), the evolution of the young aristocrate beyond the court, his meeting with another woman who teached him about carnal pleasure, and how this relationship worsened the heart problem of the countess.

If you like classical novels, historic romantic stuffs, then "Lily of the valley" is an excellent sentimental education book, where Balzac shows you how great love can be and how a woman can love you 'til her death.

Certainly, ther're another great novel of Balzac such as "Father Goriot", "Eugénie Grandet", "the girl with golden eyes", "Cousin Bette", "The old girl" or "Lost illusions", and a lot, a lot, a lot of others great novels. Balzac created a new fantastic in litterature, not as a kind of litterature but a kind of reality. It's in real life that mystery and horror of "Skin of sorrow" (la peau de chagrin) are revealed, the fantastic elements existe without magical objects, it is nourished with the real life, in according with the situations and the characters.

With his own "fantastic", Balzac obliges his readers to consider thing differently to see its real essence, and the realisme of Balzac reaches the "surreal" philosophic with his "fantastic"!

Saturday 17 April 2010

I'd love to be a model for (Chapter 3): Luis ROYO

Some of you who knew me for a couple of time might suspect that i'll surely write about Royo soon or late. So here we are. Let me tell you about this master, this god of fantasy dark art!

For those who don't know about his biography and works:

The fisrt time when i saw a Royo's painting, i was totaly BREATHLESS! There are so much beauty, sensuality, wildness and darkness in his paintings that the beauty becomes unreal and enter the threshold of fantasy world.

I love the light effect, the way he transforms his beautiful women to succubus, to dangerous creatures, to sirens that are hunger for flesh, to beautiful and unreal things that even monsters can't resist!!!

I love the way he cherishes sensuality and feminity. Through his works, he shows his passion for women, for their curves, for their audacity and finally for their dangerosity. In one word, he shows his huge respect for women.

I love the beauty of his characters, of the paintings' backgrounds, of the tatoos, of the passion between those characters. I love this dark and desperate beauty, the whole world of Royo, a world of chaos and of wildness between human and machines.

I think that with all these reasons, my desire to be one of his models is largely justified. ;)
Enjoy the beauty. :)

Sunday 4 April 2010

Yukio Mishima"s short stories

Okay, i admit it. Here's an another modern literature author, but it's what i read these times. I promise, i'll write about a classical novel soon. :)

I don't want to talk a lot about Mishima's life, a little trip on wikipedia ( will give you complete information about his life. What i want to talk about here are his wonderful short stories.

It was with pure chance that my eyes stopped in front of a short stories book of a japanese author.Usually, europeen short stories are plus atractives for me, i don't know why (^^') but i was pretty curious when seeing Mishima's book, so i bought it. And you know what? After finishing the book, i went to the bookstore and bought an another short stories book of Mishima. :)

Why short stories? Because before buying a novel, i prefer discover an author with his/her short stories except when the author doesn't write short stories at all. :) And secondly, i take bus ans subway every day to go to university, so short stories are pratical for the travel. :)

Okay okay, i'll stop chatting to talk about Mishima's short stories. :)

I love the atmosphere created by Mishima: dense, heavy and light at the same time, a little bit nostalgic. His characters are rich in emotions, strage and surprising in their way of thinking, sometimes contained, sometimes explosive.

In "Butterfly", the tone is for nostalgia, the character is passive and calm, he containes a platonic love for a married woman. The whole story is a calm long river but very dense and it obliges you to follow the flow until the end. And the end leaves you in your own reflexion, in questions about your life, in a strage feeling.

With "Lioness", Mishima offers us a real portrait of japanese femme fatal: beautiful, intelligent, passionate and, surely, dangerous. A character torn between love and hatred, painted ingeniously.

An another femme fatal portrait, this time, more pathetic, more desperate in "Dojoji". A weird play (yes, Mishima write plays, too) which shows us how a woman can appear unreasonable, immoral and strage when she's in love.

Some japanese folklores with "seven bridges", a weird story that leaves you with this strage feeling you have when a film or a song is unfinished, however the story would be bad if Mishima continued it, if he would added some details, some circumstances. This story is just a jewel.

Violence, love, patriotism, innocence, and passion are poetically paint in "Patriotism". Never a Seppuku can be more beautiful, more meaning and more horrible than that of lieutenant Shinji. Never a sexual act can be more poetic, more passionate, more pure and more graceful than that between the lieutenant Shinji and Reiko, his wife. There is something pasionate, something innocent and unfinished in this story, a real beautiful one.

Once more time, a modern author leaves me wordless with his stories. If you're a fan of litterature which is light, dense, nostalgia, with unfinished feeling, with a combination of delicacy and rough style, Mishima is your author!!

Thursday 18 February 2010

Underwear, pretty underwear!!!!!!

Well well well, it's a subject i wanna write about for quite a long time. Yes, you've understood, i am an underwear lover. :)

I don't know when this passion entered my heart but i love beautiful underwear. Some people think that we don't need beautiful underwear, with ribbons, laces, etc. Because we don't go out in underwear anyway, or because we will go out with other outfits and no one will see our underwear, or because we don't have a boyfriend and it's useless to have beautiful underwears. But these thoughts are false! :)

Why? Because i don't need people or a boyfriend to see my underwear! I feel good and beautiful in pretty underwear. It's not even a narcissistic problem. A girl is beautiful when she's at ease with her body and all stuffs that help her to feel better in her body is good!

There's nothing more effective than feeling our body cherished with caresses of laces or ribbons of beautiful underwears. A girly, sexy and sensual touche doesn't kill anyone. :)

I'm charmed easily by extravagant underwears with fancy colors and a lot of laces, ribbons, and even cameos on them. But simple underwears with just beautiful fabrics have their charm, too. ;) Each underwear gives me a different feeling when i wear it but all of them give me a little bit more self-confidence every day.

You're in front of your mirror and you see yourself such pretty in your underwear every morning, it's not bad to begin your day, isn't it? ;)

Tuesday 26 January 2010

I'd love to be a model for (chapter 2): Hellobaby

Sci-fi World by `hellobaby on deviantART

Okay, i know that the name is weird and it's not a real name at all but forgive me and my ignorance, i don't know what's the name of this wonderful artist.

Ladies and gentlemen, i'm very proud to present you this wonderful vietnamese artist. I discovered her (i suppose that she's female. ^^') on Deviantart where i have an account for my photos and the first time i saw her drawings, i was wordless!!!

I can't find words that can describe her works. I love the purity and the mystery of the characters. Beside the sober colors she uses, her sens of detail is totally fabulous and she leads us to her mysterious world that only her has the key to.

As words can't describe how fantastic are her drawings, please come to see her art at:

And yes, i'd love to be her model because i am curious to see how i'd look like in her drawing. I know that it's just a dream. ^^

Support her if you like her art.

Monday 18 January 2010

Butterfly of the stars

This summer, i'd occasion to read Bernard Werber's "Le Papillon des Étoiles", which means "Butterfly of the stars".

Bernard Werber is one of my favourite french writers. I am not a fan of modern litterature but Bernard Werber is one of some exceptions. I love the way he sees and interprets things. I was very amused the first time i read his books. His books are the best way to refresh yourself and see life with brand new eyes. They're amusing to read and teach us a lot of things.

"Butterfly of the stars" tells us about adventure of a scientist, a shailing ship navigator, a billionaire and their followers in a project which aimes to escape from the blessing Earth. In fact, there're too much war, too much destruction and too much calamity on Earth at that state and they all think that the Earth will become a dead land and the best way to do is to flee.
The scientist conceives a spaceship which runs with solar energy and it has a butterfly form, the billionaire helps him financially to construct the spaceship with others scientists, engineers and wokers and the shailing ship navigator sails the spaceship.
After a lot of barriers and defeats, the butterfly of the stars is finally ready to fly. People come to life and die in the spaceship. After 1000 years, the spaceship reach the final destination, a new planet, but there are only 4 humans alive, a girl and 3 boys and the only little spaceship which helps them to land on the new planet can only containt two persons, the girl is naturally chosen. A choice was made between 3 boys, and the couple leave the spaceship to the new planet...

After the book, I wondered if Human is not reproducing a diagram that our ancestors had done before with an another planet, an another "Earth"? And are we condemned to repeat our silly things again and again and again, and then to be obliged to find a way to escape from the consequences of our silly acts? Finally, if the Earth becomes a dead land, where will we go, what would we become? If we don't stop the destruction, is there an another planet out there which will accept us? and in this case, would we act more wisely or the diagram will be repeated and this planet will soon be destroyed?

"Butterfly of the stars" is a good and instructive book to read and a treat to our own reflexion.

Sunday 17 January 2010

I'd love to be a model for (chapter 1): Alfons MUCHA

He's a Czech painter, the father of "art nouveau".

I love his painting, especially his women. He had a way to make them brighter, more sensual, more voluptuous and at the same time, their innocence is kept intact.

He produced many paintings, illustrations, advertisements and designs. I love all the curves and flowers around his women, there's something delicacy, fragile, tough and mysterious in them. He's one of artists who inspire me the most.

It's just a dream but he's one of artists i'd love to be a model for. :)

For more information about MUCHA:


I was not write for quite a long time. I abandonned my ancient blog and writting activity for some obscur reason... I don't know... I just have nothing to say. :)

But recently, i feel a need in fond of my though. Finally, writing is something i can't give up, i think i need to do this activity to feel good and to find some kinds of life balance. :)

So i'll write about things that touched me: books, artists, movies, songs, fashions, etc. It won't be critic exercices, just some personnal thoughs about these things. Hope you'll enjoy the lecture. And you can write me in english, in vietnamese or in french, it'll be alright. :)

Best wishes.